
Comic Relief
November 07, 2004

Sometimes you just need something to make you laugh. And sometimes things Overheard in New York are just the ticket:

Moron: See how the taxis always drive on the right side of the street? That's so they can pick people up easier. I was just thinking about that. That's smart of them, huh?
Human: But taxis always drive on the right side of the street.
Moron: Exactly.
Human: No, I mean they have to. Always.
Moron: I know. Smart, huh?

--57th & Park Avenue

Go! Check it out!

[Sidenote to Ms. Dolo: First of all, you need to get a comments section or a guestbook. Or I need to learn how to write emails. One or the other. Second, check out Seriously, cute, available Jewish boys in Philly. Granted you still have the problem that you can't check emails sent to you unless you pay the $30 monthly fee, but you can still chat with other potentials online. Wee! It's fun, and in my case, it is a one-way ticket to hell :)]

go west + go east