
Any ideas?
July 29, 2006

Here's something to think about. Or maybe it's just something for me to think about so that I can avoid thinking about the things that are bothering me lately:

You know those stories? Where the dad goes out for a pack of cigarettes one day and just never comes back? I mean, where does he go? Is it on some level premeditated so that he at least has a change of clothes stashed somewhere? If it is not premeditated, does he buy a new wardrobe or is he such a deadbeat he doesn't even bother? And if he DOES buy a new wardrobe, does he use cash or a credit card? If he uses cash, does he at least leave enough money for the wife and kids he's left behind? If he uses a credit card can't his wife then track him down?

I mean, you always hear the cliched "went out for cigarettes and never came back" story, but where's the follow-up? I mean, where do these guys go and how do they survive, and how do the people they left behind live?

And do they resurface?

I wonder if Will could help me out on this one?

go west + go east