
March 05, 2006

Lately, when people ask me how I am, or what is new in my life I have very little to tell them.

I am happy. There is nothing new in my life, at least not on any major level. I mean, there are quite a lot of new friends in my life. I've started doing yoga again, which is great. I drive all the time now, which is usually a lot of fun, especially when I am alone in the car on the way home and I get to sing along to the radio or my MP3s at the top of my lungs. That's awesome. But really, my life continues to be what it has been for a while now - satisfying.

But let me tell you folks, satisfying is mucho boring, and I am currently struggling with the "next" step.

A month ago I was all gung-ho for applying for a LLM program in Belfast. Then I thought I should not be half-assed about it, and I should just apply to law school like I'd been planning to do a couple of years ago. And then I remember how much I hate school, and how I'm not really sure if law school is what I want to do anyway, and I think that maybe I need to get a new job. But honestly, who would want to leave this job? Today? I came in at 1pm. I can stay as long as I feel like it/there is work to do, and I get paid a shit-load more than my friends. Granted, after paying off loans for the month I pretty much end up with the same amount of money as my friends, but still.

I am feeling supremely uninspired lately, and totally confused as to what to do. I also feel like time is running out, and I really should know by now where I want my life to be going.

So, I come to you dear readers - what do you think I should do?

go west + go east