
"Things are looking UP"
September 13, 2005

The title of this entry is to be read in the manner of Carrie in my favorite episode of my favorite season of SatC [4:61], when she and Aidan are clearing out the closet, and Carrie finds a favorite, old pair of shoes. Seriously, I love that episode, and I love the fact that Carrie kisses the shoe after she declares, "Things are looking up!"

So I posted a bulletein message on Friendster about my upcoming trip, and I received a couple of happy/funny replies. First, Monkeyboy aka Dad aka Freud aka Zitty aka etc., advised me to "Use protection!" Clearly he understands the real reason I'm going to Ireland.
Then I received a message from an old high school friend I have not seen since graduation telling me that she has left San Francisco and is now living in London, bringing the number of high school friends I would really like to see currently stationed in London up to 5. So, kids, it looks like I will be going to London for a few days after Dublin and before Mr. Inkwell arrives in the Emerald Isle. I am feeling better and better about this trip, between seeing old friends and making fabulous new ones, and other surprises that I might disclose along the way :)

[Aside to Yibba: We petless, pre-children Arabs must have some sort of naming outlet - I named my first laptop Eugene, and the one I use now was dubbed Habibi by Jing for its small, "cute" size. I'm still looking for a name for my new Zen Micro. Suggestions?]

go west + go east