
Erin Go Bragh
August 17, 2005

So, GreatSirG's friend, Joe, over at Pretty Good Year linked to this HEE-larious Wikipedia article about sk/cangers which are like the Irish version of chavs , or neds, scuffers, townies? If you�ve never heard any of these terms, then you obviously don�t watch enough BBC drama. Is all I�m saying.

I really love the tone of the article on scangers though. For example:

The curious accent is a particularly noticeable characteristic in this grouping. In Dublin, the accent resembles the typical inner-city accent, but with some slight differences:
There is apparent difficulty in pronouncing vowel sounds such as the short 'o' sound of 'oh', often enunciated as 'ah', as in 'story' ('starry'). The flat 'u' sound of 'uh' also causes some difficulty: this is variously rendered as either a long and emphasised 'uuh' sound, or 'eh', as in the words 'bud' ('b-uhh-d'), 'journal' ('jernal'), and 'church' ('cherch').

"Apparent difficutly." Heh.


Many male scangers also fit the boy racer stereotype: modes of transportation will often include small cars such as Opel Corsas or Honda Civics, modified with expensive parts such as UV lights and blacked-out windows. These cars are also sometimes decorated with objects such as black registration plates (illegal except on military vehicles), or 'No Fear' stickers. This type of modified small car is sometimes pejoratively referred to as a 'muppet-mobile' or a 'scanger-banger'.
Some scangers have notoriously little respect for the environment, and can be seen littering shamelessly.

�Littering SHAMELESSLY.� Ha!

Yeah, but just go read the full article. It�s definitely given me a good chuckle.

And in case my endless, obvious hint-dropping has somehow left some people still in the dark � after some ten odd years of dreaming about it, I�m finally going to Ireland! I leave in less than a month, inshallah.

Somebody pinch me.

go west + go east