
In dreams
March 09, 2005

It seems that everyone around me is falling in love, or falling out with their loved ones. In terms of the former, it helps a lot that �everyone around me� is about 4 people. But anyway, three of them are falling in love�either with each other or with other people.
Last night, not be outdone, I had a dream about falling in love. It was awesome. Truly awesome. His name was Tim (wtf?) and other than being dead sexy (read: tall, skinny, white, with floppy hair), he was in no way the man of my dreams, and yet, in this dream of mine we fit fantastically. And in the dream, we both knew that it would not last, that ideologically we were just too different and would be parting ways soon, but for the duration of the dream I felt like I haven�t felt in a long time. Or maybe have never felt. I don�t know.

I�m getting old. And bored.

go west + go east