
Who's her daddy?
January 27, 2005

This article was sent to me this morning by Jing. Thanks Jing.
It's interesting. For starters, my brother has been mistaken on the Cairo streets for this actor who supposedly impregnated the woman in the article. He's actually had a group of kids run after him in the streets yelling "Ahmed, Ahmed, Ahmed." Heh.
But, okay, the much more interesting thing about this article is that I haven't heard ANYTHING about this situation in the Egyptian media. As far as I'm concerned, it hasn't been a big scandal. Now, I will admit that I don't read much in Arabic by way of magazines and gossip etc., but I do outsource most of my Arabic media-reading to my mother. If it's been in any paper, surely my mother has read it. So, I must go ask my mother if she's heard about it. And if she hasn't, then trust me, it hasn't had that big a presence.
In any case, the article raises a lot of interesting points about sex etc. in Egypt. It also reminds me of an Egyptian movie that I saw recently that I really liked called Muthakirat Murahika (Memoirs of a teenage girl). It's the story of a teenage girl (duh) who falls in love with an Egyptian-Italian boy and has a "urfi" marriage with him (urfi marriage is explained in the article, but as far as I understood it was actually more common in Shiite Islam than Sunni Islam. I know that E. has written a paper about this, maybe I should ask her.) Anyway, pre-marital sex and pregnancy in Egypt. Heavy stuff.Read. Discuss.

[Tunisia stories and pictures forthcoming. I've just been rilly tired since I've been back]

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