
The foolingest fool that ever did fool
December 09, 2004

Well, it seems that I got an A on the second long paper, which means that as soon as I can convince the fools over at Student Health that I do not need to pay for their stupid health insurance (HTH) I will be eligible for graduation.

Yipeee. Maybe now I can loosen up a little. Then again, until that diploma arrives in the mail (sometime in March they say) I'm going to be worrying that they'll wake up, and snatch it away.

Trust me, this is not a pretense at modesty. There are *only* two things I'm "proud" of out of this whole process--the fact that I did and will be paying for the whole thing (for the next 10-25 years) (okay, so I borrowed some money along the way, but I have paid that back), and I feel like I just scammed the entire Ivy League. And I'm not even really that proud of that part.

Well, it's time to move on. I put together that little photo essay, but for some reason when I tried to post it here it was all messed up. So, I'm gonna take the weekend to try and fix it up. If anyone wants to see pictures of anything else in my life, you know the drill--leave a comment or a note, or send an email.


go west + go east