
Keep on typing in the third world
November 29, 2004

Well, I redid it and handed it in. Out of three questions I can say that I answered two decently, and the third was honestly a load of crap. But, it's done, and I'm running on about 7 hours of sleep in the past two days. *Shrug* There will be time enough for sleeping when this is done--but I'm still sleepy as fuck. Monde has been really cool about letting me sneak into work a little late the last two days so that I can work on my shit in the mornings a little. Props to Monde.

Anyway, man, I really love some of that Israeli literature, yes I do. I don't know why it feels weird to me to say that. When I first got here I got into this discussion with this really intellectual type over at the AUC. He asked me how I could let my mind go enough to enjoy Israeli literature. Didn't I feel...weird? And I have to say, yeah, sometimes. But it's good shit man. Whaddya gonna do? I figure, it's probably the best vehicle there is to bring people together and foster understanding.

Well, I've still got a pain in my ass paper to go, but then I'm free!

Back to work.

go west + go east