
A Very Special Wedding Story...
May 29, 2004

I hate weddings. I�m not at all keen on the idea of having my own wedding; I generally don�t like to attend other people�s weddings. I hate the pomp, I hate the pressure, I hate the idea of being put on display, and I always feel bad for those being put on display. I�m a little less opposed to the idea of marriage in general. It�s a nice institution if you are committed with (and I do mean with, not to) the right person.

Having said all that? There�s no place I�d rather be this Sunday than at Zenith and Eilas� wedding, and there�s currently no marriage on which I wish more happiness or for which I have higher hopes or more blessings. As quickly as everything has happened, and as hard as it is for me to explain (to myself, at least) there is something that seems so right about THIS marriage. I�m so gushingly happy for you two. It�s gross, really.

I�m excited in an atypically me girlie way. When Zenith showed me a picture of the engagement ring he had in mind? I nearly cried. Anytime I talk to either or both of them and they start talking fondly about each other? I nearly cry. I called Zenith today to wish him luck, or whatever it is you�re supposed to wish on the eve of a wedding, and he told me how excited he was? And I nearly cried. Also, when Zenith and E. told me how much they wanted me at the wedding, so much so that they were willing to pay for me to come? I actually got teary-eyed, just a little. To Zenith and E. � I don�t think you two have any idea how much it meant to me that you wanted me at your wedding that much. (Even though your claim that you wanted me there because I�m the one that brought you two together I believe is pretty bogus. =) I mean, I pretty much just sat back and watched). But your persistence and sincerity meant a lot to me, as it came at a time when things were pretty rough for me and I was feeling pretty down. As cheesy as it sounds�you two sort of inspired me and gave me that push that I needed at the time to get my life in order, and to make myself happy. I bet you two didn�t figure it would have such an effect, eh? Well, anyway�thank you. So much. I am so very sorry that I wasn�t able to get things in order sooner, so that I could have actually made it to the wedding. But know that I will be there with all my heart.

One more thing�E. told me a few months ago that in Orthodox Judaism if you make three successful (read: end in marriage) matches, you have a guaranteed place in heaven. Considering that that�s the only way that I�m gonna make it to any sort of heaven now, I have to thank you two for giving me any sort of credit for this match. (Although if you�re still feeling like you owe me any sort of credit in the future�don�t forget that you can always name your first born after me).

So, even though I�m not going to be there this is a really big event for me. What wonderful things can result from the most unlikely beginnings. I�m happy for you two, and I�m glad that I was able to share some small part of it with you.

And since the Arabs have something to say on every occassion where tears (of joy or sorrow, it matters not!) will be shed, I leave with some words from my man, Khalil Gibran:

And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.

Love has no other desire but to fulfil itself.

But if you love and must needs have desires, let these be your desires:

To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night.

To know the pain of too much tenderness.

To be wounded by your own understanding of love;

And to bleed willingly and joyfully.

To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving;

To rest at the noon hour and meditate love's ecstasy;

To return home at eventide with gratitude;

And then to sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise upon your lips.

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