
Transcribed from a napkin...
April 30, 2004

I was at the beach [oo...Red Sea. Beautiful. But more about that in another entry] this weekend with Meeni, and got quite drunk on my lonesome [after Meeni'd gone to sleep, and after I hadn't had a drink since Feb. 14th] and then decided I really wanted to write an entry here, but I didn't have a computer, internet connection or paper, so i wrote it on a napkin.

None of it is really very insightful, but it's amusing anyway. So, for your entertainment...[words in brackets not part of original note]

"Drunkety, drunk, drunk, drunk. Why anyone would live their lives not drunk is beyond me. Just watched sad movie. The Secret Lives of Altars Boys. Reading the second in the Bridget Jones Diary books. [can't really read the scribbles, but i think it says] Beginnging to come ot the realization that I want to be in love AGAIN. I'm sure all of you, my four loyal readers, can understand, though actually maybe only three of you since one of you doesn't have a heart. Haha. Now you are all wondering who, except for mr.inkwell. Amd maybe Jing who, depsite all attempts to the contrary really wears his heart on his sleeve.

Mmmm. The ocean sounds like it's movie-perfect. Although sad that I would compare sound of real ocean to sound of ocean in movie.

Oo. Liver is screaming "BLOODY BITCH!"

[really can't read next few lines.]

I want to be rich and I want to be in love. Or ideally will fall in love with rich man. Who will support my habits. Har har. unbloodylikely.

[I have never, while sober, considered the merits of marrying for money.]

Ok, time to fall into snuggly sleep.


It seemed so much more interesting today when I woke up still a little drunk. Then again, couldn't read half of what I wrote, but there is a sample of one night at the beach.

go west + go east