
Like, woah
January 08, 2006

There is an earthquake currently in progress. At first I thought I was just feeling dizzy (been feeling sick all morning), but then I saw the windows of the building opposite shaking, and heard the few co-workers who are in today (it's supposed to be a holiday) walking out of their offices saying, "Zilzal? Zilzal?" ("Earthquake?")


I just walked out of my office and some guy from the Hebrew department was saying, "What? Is Sharon* downstairs shaking the building?" To which the French department guy said, "He's laid up in bed, dying." To which me and the co-worker replied something along the lines of, "If anyone can shake us up even in death it would be Sharon."

Oh, political office humor. Alrighty, back to work.

*As in Ariel

go west + go east