
August 11, 2005

I've been seeing some funny shit on the internets these days, but I will only post this as I fear it could one day be the fate of a dear friend that the Philly folks all know and love.

It's not so much the news of a Korean man dying after playing 50 hours of video games that I find funny (I am not entirely heartless), but more the succint yet poignant, "Game Over" at the top of the post I've linked to.

If Housleysan does not read this, which I assume he does not, could someone please pass the news on to him? I worry sometimes. EDIT: Holy shit, I just sent an email in response to this guy's post . For someone who doesn't want to get married anytime soon, I'd say that's pretty nutso. There is a great Arab saying that goes something like, "Money, youth, and boredom lead to CRAZY SHIT." (Or, er, corruption.) Hahaha. I wonder if he's going to respond. Hey, my girl Joss is singing about Hummers on the radio.

go west + go east