
"Come on in, I�ve gotta tell you what I state I�m in"
May 29, 2005

So�my internet boyfriend (hahaa, that�s such a stupid thing to call him) JIM, left this morning for a 3-month long bike trip up the west coast of America. He�s going with some man he�s never met before. We keep joking that he�ll turn out to be psycho, and will kill JIM along the way. God I hope not. That would suck.
Thus ends 1.5 months of frantic, earnest emailing, instant messaging, and phone calling. You know, I think most people don�t think much of this internet communication thing. They don�t see it as a good way to get to know someone. But apparently it is my MO. I get to know some guy over the internet that I �know� through other people but have never met, and we at least end up becoming great friends. My last great relationship started with months of emailing and phone calling with a boy I�d never met, but knew through one of my best friends. And though JIM and I have never met each other, our paths should have crossed several times (he lived directly above me for a semester!) and we have two or three friends in common.
So, I don�t know, some people may not think much of this internet communication thing, and I do feel a little uncomfortable about talking about this here lest y�all judge me. But I knew more about BK before I ever met him, than I did about my first boyfriend who I really knew for about a week before we started dating. And I know more about JIM now than I do about some of the friends I�ve made here. It�s true, it�s easier to hide things on the internet, but I think it�s also easier to be ridiculously open too. When JIM and I talk on the phone I�m never able to tell him how much I want to meet him, or how well I think of him, but in email�I tell him that stuff all the time. And same goes for him I guess. And I�m not saying he�s really my boyfriend or ever will be or anything like that, but I will miss him. I will definitely feel a lack.
Anyway, so he�s gone, and now our�relationship, whatever it is, will be relegated to letters (I haven�t written letters in years!) and the occasional phone call. This should be interesting. Meanwhile, I�ve got over 700 megs of music that he�s sent me over the past few weeks to keep me company.
Right now I�ve just got the very last song he sent me�Coldplay�s �Warning Sign��on repeat.
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�And the truth is/ [I�ll] miss you�

go west + go east