
The Egyptianization of Newgyptian
March 04, 2005

*I will not leave the house without eyeliner. At least. And lately, mascara too.

*I wear the dangly earrings.

*I am sometimes embarrassed that my jeans are not designer.

*The first thing I check out on a guy is his ring finger. Then his watch.

*The first thing I do when I get somewhere is pull out my mobile so that I don't miss any calls.

*I don't pick up on the first ring.

*I drive like a maniac.

Without a license.

*I can paralell park like nobody's business.

*Food is the enemy, and a chocolate bar constitutes an entire day's rations.

*I want to cook for him. Whoever he may be.

This entry brought to you by an evening spent(mostly voluntarily) at the yuppiest new bar in town, where my "party" was at the top of the guest list.

I disgust myself.

(Now go check out the pictures in the last entry)

go west + go east