
I don't remember your name, but I remember you
February 22, 2005

I have often idly commented that I wish I had more of a sexual attraction to women�if for no other reason than to expand my options and my horizons. But the truth is I have nary a Lesbian tendency in my body. Well, almost nary a.
Sometime in the early spring of 2001 I saw the only woman I have ever been sexually attracted to. I know that Mr. Inkwell remembers the incident well (and with horror) and I may be misremembering events, but I think it happened the same night as this.
It was one of the many nights that the Pi Lam fraternity was hosting a slew of obscure and odd bands. The main attraction for concert-goers that night was a cult-like band called the Causey Way. The main attraction for yours truly was the Causey Way�s bassist, I think. (Anyone remember what she was playing?) From the moment the band began playing I felt an immediate attraction to her�maybe it was the nurse�s uniform-like outfit she was wearing, maybe it was her deep-set dark eyes. Whatever it was, those around me noticed. It might have been the star struck look in my eyes. Who knows? I was in love�my first ever love-at-first-sight. Until she walked offstage after their set was over into the arms of some short, chubby, spiky-haired butch bitch. (Yeah, I�m still a little bitter.)
It was a very odd experience for me, for real. I make light of it now, but it really was an intense experience for me at the time. My first, my last, my only same-sex infatuation.
Anyway, I am only reminded of this incident today because I was looking at the IMDb, and as link led to link, I found out that Summer and Rain Phoenix (yes, THAT Phoenix, or THOSE Phoenix) were members of the band.
I�m still trying to figure out if Rain was the one I fancied. She looks too different in press photos.

Anyway, good times.

go west + go east